was just after the turn-of-the-century when then Superintendent of Schools, J.P. Greeley
laid out of the streets of the new coastal community development.

With the Pavilion style building being the
keystone of the most popular beach recreational areas, it was decided one would be built
for the new development.

Click To See Circa 1950
Balboa Map In Detail.
It Tales A little Time
But The Detail Is Worth It
One of the major investors was E.J. Lewis,
the Vice Consul for Peru. It was Lewis who suggested the name of Balboa for the new
. In 1905 the development became a reality
and the Balboa Pavilion was built. Earth was brought in by barge, spread and sprayed with
oil to form the original streets.

On July 4th 1905, the first official Red Cars
were steam locomotives pulling eighty passenger cars full of prospective land buyers, from
the Pasadena area to Balboa in just over an hour.
They were greeted by a brass band and tract
agents. A huge Bar-B-Q was thrown at the newly built Balboa Hotel. |
This two story single wall construction hotel
was built in only ten days, and was completed only three days before the Red Car's
The Balboa Hotel was the second structure to
be built on Main Street.

The U.S. Post Office on Main
Street is the location of the original Balboa Hotel

Today Main Street Balboa- as when it was
first built almost a hundred years ago- still offers a pleasant stroll in a quaint little
village. |