The Burning Of
A Tavern

A Balboa Landmark
Fades From History

Click On Image For The Big Picture

It was early in the morning of April 12, 1982 when a fire rushed through the historic Bayview Hotel which had been located on Palm Street, at the ferry landing across from the Balboa Fun Zone.

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The main part of the ground floor of the old Bayview had been occupied by Mutt Lynche's, a long popular beer hall and pizza parlor


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Click To See Circa 1950
Balboa Map In Detail.
It Tales A little Time
But The Detail Is Worth It

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Carol Depa chronicled the event in her photo essay book, "The burning of a tavern".

The book is a collection of photos and comments by the locals about the fire and the loss of a long familiar landmark.

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Viking Vickie hamming it up
at the old Mutt's

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Rod Mundy, then and now

Rod Mundy  remembers, "When the room filled with the illegal fireworks went up."

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Carol Depa, then and now


Carol Depa  who's book reveals this event from the past recalls, "It was just about the worst thing that could have happened to Balboa."


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Indian Sharon, then and now

Indian Sharon sometimes sang at Mutt's and lived upstairs at the old Bayview Hotel. Recalls everything was ok when she left for her regular job, "I was working grave yard and I came home to a big mess."

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The fire totally destroyed the building.

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Mutt Lynche's was moved up to the Newport Pier area, and still's popular as ever. But Balboa was never the same
