
We lived on the Balboa Peninsula a few years ago, and we moved to
Portland in 1999. I had the privileged of teaching my four year
old son to ride his bike on the big, flat blacktop playground
behind Newport Elementary school. Even then I was amazed by how
great it was to watch him learning to ride with the Pacific at my
back, feeling the ocean breeze and seeing our shadows grow long to
the east. Afterward, we'd go to Ruby's on the Balboa pier and grab
a shake. Those were great times, and to this day he remembers
those days on the playground next to the beach.
someone mentioned merle's drive in, my dad used to work there
along with his brothers and , i was wondering if anybody has any
old photos or memories of merle's , my dad just loves to talk
about the place,
dave chapman
I was stationed in California 22 years ago and
whenever we wanted to have fun on the beach we always went to
Balboa. Now I am in Iraq for my second tour and I enjoy your live
web cams. thanks for the memories.
After answering Jack Calawy's question about Wil Wright's Ice
Cream Parlor, I thought I would join in the fun! We vacationed
almost every summer in the 60's for one week at Ken Nile's Villa
Marina which was located across from what is now the Pavilion's
Market near the entrance to the Balboa Island Bridge. The "motel"
was right next to the Bridge where the Yacht Club and condos now
sit. Promontory Point was a hillside of ice plant. Every night, we
would walk over to The Island not to have frozen bananas or Balboa
Bars, but to get tacos from the taco window at the Jolly Roger or
a Mauna Loa sundae at the ice cream window...flaming wafer and
all. As a child, I was unaware that Ken Nile's had a classic, art
deco bar. I'm, sure my parents knew! What memories! They even
filmed a brief TV series at the motel starring Mickey Rooney, the
name I can't remember. No, it wasn't "The Baily's of Balboa."
We love the web site and all of the wonderful, thoughtful memories
people share.
Tom Dial
Whenever we come down from Utah to the beach,
we make our drive over to Balboa Island. Happiness to us is eating
a frozen banana and sitting on a wall watching the boats sail by.
Nothing is better than this. Fresh air, sunshine and friendly
people everywhere. Don't ever change!!!
Chris Justice - Orem, Utah

For More London's Times

TalesOfBalboa GALLERY

On The Fun Zone Boardwalk

2nd Wednesday of the Month
Book Club Luncheon 1PM
Main Street Bistro
Saturdays 3:30 PM
-7:00 PM
Kyng Arthur: Authentic Reggae
"Cabo Cantina" 100 Main St
Monday, July 4,
7:45 PM
Fireworks Cruise
Catalina Flyer
Saturday, August 6,
8 PM
Newport Harbor High
Class of 65 Reunion
Balboa Pavilion
December 14 - 18
97th Annual
Christmas Boat Parade
Balboa Circa 1950

This great old Balboa photo was
supplied by Tim Morgon.

Hi, Jim.
Thanks for the link to our site. In the next couple of months,
should everything go smoothly, we'll release a new song which is
all about Balboa and has a whole bunch of references to places
like Ruby's and the Studio Cafe. By the way, there's a saloon
inside the Pavilion, and a great guy named Tyce Griffith used to
host karaoke there Friday and Saturday nights. He did it for close
to 20 years. What's the name of that place, and does Tyce still do
that gig? Let me know, and thanks again
Brian Helsing
Hey Jim,
Thank you so much for the lovely picture of the sun. Summertime is
on my desktop even if it is snowing like crazy outside!
Susan Rose- Sandy Utah
Jim, loved the photo of the month. Your photography gets better &
better. Way to go man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shelia aka balboa brat
Thanks for running my question about the ice cream store at the
corner of PCH and Dover Dr. Your readers have come through (and
have they!). The answer: Wil Wrights.
Thanks again
Hi there, I live 807 east bay ave and was recently informed the my
residence was previously a firehouse/detention facility. I would
like this confirmed if possible and historical pictures would be
wonderful. I look forward to your response. Thank you for your
Thank you so much for the website. While vacationing in California
from Michigan I spent two Sunday mornings on Balboa Island and
Peninsula and loved it. I want to move to the area someday but for
now I am constantly looking at the webcams and dreaming
Richard Sherburne
Please do not stop the free printable calendar. We so much enjoy
your website, we feel like we are back at Balboa. Looking out my
window right now I have 6 inches of snow, its nice to live the
memories of vacation live from your website Thank YOU
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?