June 2005 / Vol 7 No 6


Balboa Weather

Real Balboa Readings Updated Every 5 Minutes

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Main Street

Balboa Pavilion

Balboa Fun Zone

Balboa Bay Front

Balboa Pier

Balboa Beach West

Balboa Wedge

Faces Of Balboa

Link Exchange

15th Street Surf Shop
Balboa Fun Zone
Balboa Island
Balboa Pavilion
Balboa Saloon
Balboa Technology
Davey's Locker
Free Newport
Go Newport Beach
Main Street Bistro
Marina Water Sports
Menagerie Entertainment
Mifflin Taffy
Mr. Balboa Barber Shop
Newport Beach

Newport Jet Sports
Newport Surf Shots
Pilates by the Sea

Renee West
Sally Martin Realtor
Shellback Yacht Cruises
Walk to the Beach
Wedding Boat 























































Photo of the Month


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Photo of the Month
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Balboa Poster

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Time Capsule


Dean Dempsey blew into town in mid 1994 and got a job at one of the local stores. Most people just called him Digger, because he had been an undertaker most of his nearly fifty years. Digger claimed to have embalmed several famous people including Jimmy Durante. Although Digger wore two large diamond rings, he had to share a small apartment with another local because he couldn't afford to pay the full rent. Digger was hard of hearing, so Dominic, owner of the Class of 47, gave him one of his old hearing aids. As people got to know Digger one thing became clear, you couldn't always believe every thing he said. At first Digger claimed he was dying of cancer, and had a few months to live. But after a year that story was proven wrong. Digger also claimed he had once owned a cemetery in Long Beach.

The big awakening came for everyone when Digger was arrested at his job. It seems he had purchased a cemetery in Long Beach for one dollar, looted the cemetery's trust fund of hundreds of thousands dollars, then sold the cemetery for one dollar. Where did all the money go? According to reports, payments on a new Mercedes, an x-wife,  and extensive bar bills.

Dear Mr. Fournier,
While attending the art walk at Balboa this past weekend I came across your card with your website's URL on it. I particularly enjoyed your site because Balboa has a special meaning for my wife and I as it was the location of our first date in late October 1980. The rest is history as they say.
However I thought that I'd ask you a question that you might be able to answer for me. On that date back in 1980 we ate ice cream (our first Balboa Bar) at a small little hole in the wall that was across from the ferris wheel in the fun zone. That location burned down around 1984-85? By any chance would you know where a photo of that row of buildings might be found prior to them burning? If you have any ideas and would share them I would be very grateful.
Thanks again for the wonderful site and keeping Balboa alive.
Kindest regards,
David Winterhalter

Hi, Jim--
I really don't know how you do it. Each month's Tales of Balboa is better than the last, and your photos are truly outstanding.
I wish I could remember the name of the sign painter in the 1960's who worked for Balboa Fun Zone owner Al Anderson. He created many of the signs for the old Balboa Fun Zone and other attractions in Southern California. Not only was he a friend to all, but his hand lettering was amazing and far better than many of the computer-cut vinyl signs seen today. He was never without his mall stick that steadied his hand while he lettered custom signs. He was also very prophetic. I can remember him saying, "I'll do hand lettering now, because I know that someday they'll be some type of machine that does all the signs, and all us sign painters will be out of business."
So that talented man predicted the era of computer graphic software more than 45 years ago.
--Jim Isadore, Boynton Beach, FL

Feature Cartoon

From London's Times

Click For More London's Times

Pop Quiz


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On The Fun Zone Boardwalk

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Events Calendar

2nd Wednesday of the Month
 Book Club Luncheon 1PM

Newport Landing Restaurant

Saturdays 3:30 PM -7:00 PM
Kyng Arthur: Authentic Reggae
"Cabo Cantina" 100 Main St

Fridays June 10 - 8 PM
Thru October 7
Summer Jazz Series

Saturdays at Sundown
June 11 thru August 27
Annual Flag Lowering Ceremony
Patriotic Music, Taps, Canon Salute.
Balboa Boat Rentals
By the Balboa Island Ferry Landing
Balboa Peninsula

Thursdays June 30 - July 14
6 PM - 8 PM

Monday July 4th
60th Annual
"The Old Glory Boat Parade"

Monday, July 4, 7:45 PM
Fireworks Cruise
Catalina Flyer

July 4  - July 24
Newport Beach Breakers

Saturday, June 25, 2005
City of Newport Beach

Sunday, July 31
70th Annual Flight of the Lasers

Saturday, August 6, 8 PM
Newport Harbor High
Class of 65 Reunion
Balboa Pavilion

September 16 - September 18
Taste of Newport

Monday, October 31 - PM
Earth - Mars Close Encounter

December 14 - 18
97th Annual
Christmas Boat Parade

Got A Balboa Event For Publication?
 Click Here

Thanks, Jim! I really miss all my friends on Balboa! I spent the last two days crying after hearing about Sean. Your article (Memorial) for Sean was great. Thank you.

Thank you for what you do, love reading it all!
Elizabeth Barnes

Great site,getting ready to return to Balboa after 11yrs in London, can't wait.
One question however why is the time on the site never correct?
See you soon,

The "Police Calls" on you web site has not been responding for the last month...What's happening?

Great new picture on your homepage! Very tasteful...

We will be visiting your beautiful fishing town soon from the sunny Gold Coast of Australia and after looking at the pictures I cant wait to stop over on our way south to San Diego from LA. There must be quite a few accommodation houses. Lets hope so!

Your counter ticker may be inacurate. I clicked on "Faces of Balboa" then clicked "back" and your counter ticker went up. Now I've got two visitor numbers. Besides that, I'm enjoying your website very much. I am awed at your creative professionalism and the host of links that are linked to it!
Best Regards,
John Bullard, Balboa Enthusiast

Hi Jim,
I received the beautiful picture of the Balboa Seals today. (I lost my mail keys, otherwise I probably would have gotten the package earlier). I absolutely love it. Last summer I was looking in your shop window, saw it, and grabbed a business card of yours. I lost it somewhere, but I searched and searched on the web until I found you. I will soon be getting A new white bedroom set, and I am redoing my room in a nautical theme. The Balboa Seals are going to be perfect!!! I like you, love everything about the ocean. I have always wanted a pet seal--I guess the picture will have to do! Also thank you for your careful packaging and your business cards!
Di Bush

Is there a link to mass schedules for the church on main street on Balboa Island?


Words Of Wisdom

Save the whales, collect the entire set.


Help! I'm a young man trapped inside this old geezer's body.
Editor And Chief
Cook & Bottle Washer
Jim FournierI'd really love to hear from you.

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