
A few thoughts on the demise of Balboa's world famous Studio
Cafe.... you may publish this if you wish, but I write not to be
published as much as just to share how I feel about it! Enjoy...
I finally had the courage, after a number of weeks, and stopped in
at the Cabo Cantina [fomerly the Studio Cafe] the other day,
Sunday, and I have to say, I about died! They turned that place
where I'd been hanging out all my life [it seems!] and watched
great music into another Newport Beach BAR! My good friend Mark
and I had been saying over the years, ''soak Jimmy and Voodudes in
as often as you can, because it can't last forever;'' but we never
KNEW how spoiled we were. I don't think a band can really play at
the 'new' place. They don't fit this guy's vision for his
cluttered drinking establishment, and fully half of those kids -
yes, KIDS! - will hightail it outta there as soon as any great
musician cranks it up.
I don't mind saying, I feel a little old. Most of the time, I feel
young, but seeing what they'd done to my place - I first walked in
and drank an Adios at the age of 19 (1977!) - made me feel like,
hey, things change when you get older. It was quite a
disappointment. I loved the Studio Cafe - some of the most
enjoyable times of my life were enjoyed there. I made friends
there that I still cherish to this day. I worked there for four
years, 1995-1998, broke up fights there, took dates there late at
night for great jazz, sat in the dark kissing there *laughing* and
hell, I took my ex wife there for our first date in 1987 - we sat
waaaaaaaaaaay in the back and ate ribs and talked for three hours.
I drank too much there a few times, I watched some of the most
brilliant music I've ever enjoyed in my life there. I met one of
my childhood heroes there - Keith Emerson, from Emerson, Lake and
Palmer. My brother met HIS first wife there, my chums in the late
70s and I would go there and enjoy Charles Owens' black four-peice
jazz combo, Chiz Harris' monster three piece jazz combo and the
brilliant Secret People band, and more recently, my best friend
and roommate and I spent 4 years on sundays watching the
phenominal John Heussenstamm walk outside with his transmitter
hookup, playing electric blues guitar OUTSIDE back in the mid
80's. [My brother shot a great image of John standing outside at
the corner with his Stratocaster guitar - if you want a scan of
it, let me know] We used to go swimming in the ocean out at the
pier during the band's breaks. I walked waitresses to their cars
after closing, I gave some waitresses rides home late at night. I
sat outside and watched the big flag in the park blow in the cool
night air while I waited for time to pass in the evening on slow
nights as the Studio Cafe's weekend doorman. There were times I
was depressed, and there was one thing to do - go watch live music
at the Studio Cafe. I always felt better. I smoked a few
cigarettes there and had a latenight shot after we kicked out the
folks and closed up for the night. I wiped down all the tables in
the back, put away the menus and the candles, said goodnight and
locked the door. Then I headed out to my car, tired as hell, and
drove home.
I'm glad I was there to catch all those amazing times. I'm sorry
there's so many people who missed out.
Best regards,
Lots of studio cafe images from the last great summer can be had
You really are an expert! I remember when the bank was built, I
had an account there for a while. I didn't think the original
building had lasted that long.
Does anyone else remember the short-lived trampoline amusement
that was
installed between that building and Bay Ave?
By the way, Tim Morgon has produced three new discs that will soon
be available on his site.
I have a comment on the swim/dive platform in front of the Fun
Zone. The
Hanniford's put about as much maintenance into it as they did the
rest of
the Fun Zone. It was an accident waiting to happen. Nice that they
provided it but at least they could have taken care of it. The
whole thing was never cleaned or maintained. The swim ladder was
always overgrown with algae, the deck was rough and splintered and
growth on the "hull" threatened to sink it. I don't remember the
accident itself but I do
remember when the platform was removed, and why it was removed.
You are totally accurate on that one.
In my mind this was the beginning of the end for the Fun Zone as
us old timers knew it. It really was all about the beach. The
amusements were a side attraction. I remember many times when
there was simply no space to lay out a towel on the beach because
it was covered with tourists. That wasn't a problem for me, I had
the arcade right there and I could change into my swimming
clothes, go swim, and go right back to the arcade. (My parents
hated it when I tracked sand and water into the arcade!)
First the swim platform was removed, then the unkindest cut of
all, they removed the beach. The sea wall was put up and that one
action changed Balboa forever. At that moment Balboa, on the bay
side, was no longer a place where you could simply spread out a
towel or a blanket and kick back for however long you liked.
Right away the Fun Zone suffered. The people who used to spend an
day "at the beach" were suddenly transformed into transients. If
wanted to plant themselves for a while the best offered to them
was a bench. Not exactly a "beach" experience. No way to swim or
touch the water.
The first businesses to suffer in the Fun Zone were the food
establishments. Their captive audience was suddenly lost. It's a
lot different having people at the beach all day and having people
who were there simply for a couple of hours. Hit the rides, hit
the arcades, go home. No need to eat there other than a
traditional snack like Sno-Cones or a Frozen Bananna. Maybe a
slice of pizza. The food vendors dropped like flies, so to speak!
Maintenance in the Fun Zone became even worse, if that's possible,
and people simply stopped
coming to Balboa. At least they stopped coming in the numbers that
maintain an active and viable tourist destination. I have LOTS of
other things to say about Balboa but one thing I can point to as
the worst thing that ever happened there was building that sea
and eliminating the beach in front of the Fun Zone. It is a
continuing disaster.
I doubt the current owner of the Fun Zone would give up the
lucrative rental payments from his tiny marina, and of course
restoring a beach there is unthinkable with current regulations on
the shoreline. I know I can't go back but I remember how it was
back then. Balboa in the late 50's and early 60's was an active,
vital and fascinating place. I find the diversity of the
businesses and business owners compelling. Even as a kid I got to
know lots of these people. I loved the place and how it was then.
I'm less than thrilled with what it has become.
Having said all that, I'm astounded that the rest of Newport
hasn't simply found a way to bulldoze the whole area and put in
multi-million dollar homes. The idea that Peninsula Point
residents really want to turn Balboa into a source of local
services is a joke. "Get rid of all the tourists and I'll have my
dry cleaning done there" seems to be prevailing attitude. Right.
I sure admire the tenacious attitude of those who chose to attempt
to do
business in Balboa. By 1992 I'd had enough.
I took my 85 year-old mother on a driving tour of Balboa today.
She was once known locally as "The General" for her persuasive
She didn't recognize the new Fun Zone even though I explained to
her it had been built in 1986. So it goes,
Always read stuff that will make you look
good if you die in the middle of it.
TalesOfBalboa Gallery

On The Fun Zone Boardwalk |
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Balboa Village Brochure
2nd Wednesday of the Month
Book Club Luncheon 2 PM
Saturdays at
June 12 thru August 28
Annual Flag Lowering Ceremony
Patriotic Music, Taps, Canon Salute.
Balboa Boat Rentals
By the Balboa Island Ferry Landing
Balboa Peninsula
Thursdays 6 pm to
July 1 - August 12
Concerts on the Peninsula
Peninsula Park Gazebo
Sunday July 4
Old Glory Character Boat Parade
& Wooden Boat Festival
Sunday July 25, 1pm
69th Annual
Flight of the Lasers
Thursday August 12,
2004 Perseid Meteor Shower
It was in the early 1970s when Woody Payne, owner of
"Woody's Wharf," Jerry Overland, owner of "The Alley
West," and Bear Davis, owner of "Bear's Lair," started a
friendly game of one-upmanship.
At first the pranks were of little consequence, such as
bumper stickers stating "Woody Drinks At Alley West." Then
the game started to move to new ground, with the
competitors gaining entrance to each others bars after
hours, having a few drinks and leaving the dirty glasses
on the bar along with a signed I.O.U..
The contest was finally called off when Bear Davis and Bob
O'Niell cut a hole in the roof of Woody's Wharf at three
a.m., and lowered two wild goats inside to spend the
Hello Jim,
There is a PBS news program which airs on KOCE in the
evenings called Real Orange. There is a beautiful backdrop
photo of the Balboa Fun Zone & Pavilion (looking down
Edgewater)...my guess is that it was taken from the
balcony of one of the bayfront homes on Edgewater or from
the apartment building at Cypress & Edgewater. I have
emailed Real Orange about this photo asking if it was
available anywhere for download and never recieved any
form of reply...this would make a great desktop background
for the PC. With you being a such prominant and wonderful
photographer of the Balboa area, I wondered if maybe you
had a source for this photo (or even if you maybe took the
photo yourself). Any info you have on this would be
greatly appreciated.
BTW, I really enjoy Tales of Balboa and am a 2 week out of
the year "resident" of Balboa (we rent at 416 1/2 East Bay
Ave from Rolf and Ruth Laib). We will try and stop in your
shop/studio and say HI the next time we are there!
Thanks for your time and any info...if you see the Laib's,
tell them Sergey and Leslie say HI!
Sergey Zakharov
Thanks for the new picture. When it is hot and sunny and
busy and I am under pressure, I can just go to my desktop
and see a wonderfully quiet Balboa foggy morning and cool
and relax for a minute. I love the contrast of the three
different birds and the boats, too.
Susan in Utah
Good Morning Jim! What is the fascination/detestation with
Charlie? Having grown up on 7th St.(1958-'75), & still a
very regular visitor to Balboa from Newport Heights, I've
always considered him to be a pleasent acquaintance, and a
harmless considerate resident. What are these people so
angry or fearful about? Am I missing something here? If
you have the time, or the desire to respond, I would
welcome it. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO! -GK
May 10, 2004
I'd really like to know how large you could print the
picture of the Lifeguard Station at sunset with the kid
feeding the gulls? Do you know which picture I'm talking
about? I'd like to have it printed on canvas 24x36. Do you
think thats possible? I already have a guy that'll print
it on canvas for me but I would need #1 your permission
and #2 something on disc (in photoshop format) to have it
printed. Let me know.
Steve Langbein
Dear Jim,
I enjoyed looking at your e-newsletter. It is full of many
things I didn't know about the area. Are you still
publishing it? The one I found was from August, O2.
I belong to a small nonprofit in Northern California and
found a safe deposit key for Laguna Federal Savings
and Loan in our old stuff. Looking it up on the internet
gave me your newsletter. Do you have
any idea of which bank took over, or did the company just
Thanks for your help,
Beth Wrightson
I don't know who this is going out to, but my mother,
who's 88, would love to hear from anyone who remembers
loving the chocolate éclairs at the Balboa Bakery near
the Pavilion during the fifties and sixties. my dad's gone
now--to the Big Bakery in the Sky--and no one's left to
make eight-inch long custard-filled made-from-scratch
chocolate éclairs and sell them for a quarter. those were
the days.
joel leonard
NHHS 1953

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