
A friend gave me a printout of your publication and I was excited
to read the news and memoirs. I grew up in Corona del Mar (and
attended Newport Beach Grammar School and Harbor High) and Tita
Vincent Yost was my best friend. Her memoir made me realize how
much I miss her and would love to have an e-mail address for her.
Can you help? Sincerely, Sheila McCallum
Hi Jim, I read with interest "The Movie Makers". When I was living
on Balboa Island in 1970 I remember watching a movie that was
filmed in Balboa starring John Garfield. I was enthralled because
there were shots all over Balboa. I thought it was called "Newport
Story". After researching it I found the movie was "The Breaking
Point" and was released in 1950 and starred Garfield as an ex PT
boat captain running a charter boat service in Balboa. Deeply in
debt, he agrees to smuggle aliens out of the country and then a
bunch of gangsters.
This was directed by Hal Curtis who also directed "Casablanca".
"The Breaking Point" was considered his finest directing job. Hope
all is well!! Keep of the great work. Mike Murphy, Sun Valley
Hi Jim,
Enjoyed reading about Corney Lynch. I was the manager of Ricky's
Court from about 1971ish to maybe '73. Remember Corney and his
wheelchair-bound wife well. Also remember all the characters
(myself included) that called that little court home. Nice site,
really enjoyed my visit, I'll check back from time to time.
Michael Ryerson
I remember in the mid 1960's my parents bought a little house on
the point and we would spend summers there. I was about 6 or 7
years old and my favorite memories were of the fun zone, fishing
off Balboa Pier early in the morning, and climbing on the jetty
where we would find all sorts of interesting creatures. My parents
still have the home and my husband and I leased it from them in
the 1980's when we were newly married and starting to have our own
family. We moved in the late 80's to South Orange county, but we
left our hearts in Balboa. There is no place as warm and quaint.
In fact, we now rent a home each summer a few blocks from the Fun
Zone so our children can enjoy vacations in the best spot on
I lived on Balboa Island for too short a time in the summer of
1969. I often look back, and it is my dream to return to Balboa
again. It was the best summer in my life, one that I will always
remember. Just looking at the photographs touches me.
Diane Rectenwald
I went to kindergarten at Newport Elementary in 1971-1972- my
teacher was Mrs. Elliot , anyone out there go there also, I now live
in little rock ,Arkansas

Jim...this note is in response to the
lady who wrote to inquire about the ceramic address plates
..under (Viewer Emails). I just happened to be a ceramics
artist/painter, and grew up in Balboa. I also do your
cartoon of the month art. Please let Jill know that I
would be happy to do her ceramic artwork for her home in
Carlsbad. Thank you. Will you have her call me? I think
you have my phone number
Stephanie Allen Bennett
Your site is great. I even sent it to my web master to
look at you pictures. I have lived around this area since
40 years. Lived all around Balboa Island, and love it. I
will stop by to introduce myself and buy your pictures for
family and friends. My unfinished web site is
Thank you again, keep up the good work!!!!
Dieter Brunner
I hope you can help me, for years ago I lived in the area
and I remember a t-shirt shop near the Fun Zone.
Can you help me with a name and phone #
Thank You.
Thanks for a great site. It reminds me of the great time
our family has every time we visit Balboa. Love your
webcams. They give me a brief time respite from the
Steve Pazan
TalesOfBalboa Gallery

On The Fun Zone Boardwalk |

The Balboa Theaters
The original Balboa Theater was built
in 1913 by J. P. Greeley. Mrs. Osgood, more widely known
by her stage name Madam La Rue, was a crusty old gal who
could turn the air blue with a string of profanity a mile
wide. She operated the theater located at the location of
what is now the Balboa Inn on Main Street at Oceanfront.
When the new Ritz Theater opened in 1928 on Central
Avenue, now Balboa Boulevard, the old theater closed.
Shortly after that the old theater building was destroyed
by fire. The Ritz was renamed the Balboa Theater in 1939
when a new Ritz Theater was built in Lido. In 1927
the original Rendezvous Ballroom was destroyed by fire.
The Balboa Amusement Company, owners of the Rendezvous,
built the new $50,000.00 state of the art Ritz Theater on
the site of the old Rendezvous. The new Rendezvous was
built on the site of the present Rendezvous Condominiums
at Washington and Oceanfront that same year. Through the
1960s, the Balboa Theater was considered a first rate
theater. Even in the late 60s it was referred to as a
"date theater", because it was so nice. Over the years,
falling attendance caused changes of operators. In the
early 1970s, it was a Pussycat Theater featuring adult
films such as Deep Throat and The Devil & Miss Jones. By
the mid 70s the theater became a revival theater,
featuring classic and cult films such as Reefer Madness,
Casablanca, Citizen Cane, and Pink Flamingos. It was
during this period that the Rocky Horror Show was shown at
midnight on Fridays and Saturdays, Drawing an audience
noted for dressing in the costume of their favorite Rocky
Horror character. The Balboa Theater closed in 1992 and
never reopened. |

For More London's Times
"A simple way to take measure of a country
is to look at.....how many want in.......and how many want
Tony Blair